Certified Health & Safety Management System At Vector Free we take keeping people healthy and safe very seriously. That's why we've invested in a health and safety management system which has been certified as conforming to AS/NZS 4801:2001. You can be assured that we have a robust management system in place and that it works to keep people healthy and safe. Our management system is regularly reviewed and audited so that our effectiveness and commitment to continual improvement in health and safety is maintained. Quick link: Health & Safety Policy Statement Quick Link: Top Management Commitment |
Strong Safety Culture
Our vision for health and safety is to always keep risk as low as reasonably practicable so that anyone who works with or around us can get home safe and healthy. It's more than just a legal obligation for our team; we genuinely care about each other. Most of us have worked together for a long time, decades in many cases. Our key commitments and expectations of anyone who works for or partners with Vector Free are clearly laid out in our Health & Safety Policy.
I am personally committed, and through my management team, to the health, safety and well being of our people. We don't want anyone hurt by the work that we do. At Vector Free, we pride ourselves on our team culture which sees health and safety as our number one priority. |
Effective Risk Management
Field work is inherently likely to present our most dangerous situations because it almost always involves unfamiliar people, equipment and/or environments, which naturally increases the risk to health and safety even when performing a routine, straightforward task. To help manage these risks we have identified some key actions we can take to prevent injury. They are:
Field work is inherently likely to present our most dangerous situations because it almost always involves unfamiliar people, equipment and/or environments, which naturally increases the risk to health and safety even when performing a routine, straightforward task. To help manage these risks we have identified some key actions we can take to prevent injury. They are:
- Planning – for the operational area and for the day.
- The right gear at the right time - fit for purpose personal protective equipment, safety gear and 2-way communication devices, especially for remote workers.
- Communication and engagement – what’s the plan, does everyone know it, is it working, has anything changed?
- A focus on positive events or lead indicators like vehicle safety checks, pre-start checklists and job safety talks.
- When we focus on positive events, we are driving improvement proactively, and reinforcing safe behaviours and safe outcomes.
- Competency – people doing the work have the right mix of training, skills and experience to do the job well.
- Emergency response – there is a well-understood, practised response if things go wrong.
- Technology - using technology to enable our people to report concerns and events (positive and negative) quickly and easily, no matter where they are.
- Leading from the top - we are committed to building our safety leadership capability, and our safety culture from the top down.